Friday, April 28, 2006

New library rules.

Michele Myers sent an email to students last night detailing new standards of conduct during the 24 hour study period. Read the text of the email here. Let us know what you think in the comments section.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Staff changes in the library

Get ready for lots of changes in the library staff! Library director Sha Fagan sent an email today detailing the departures of Judy Kicinski, Jenni McSpadden, and Allison Aran, as well as the return of Bobbie Smolow as Head of Technical Services, and the promotion of Janet Alexander to Assistant Director of the Library. Read the text of the email here.

Friday, April 21, 2006

24 hours at the library

This Sunday, April 23, kicks off round-the-clock hours at the library. Starting at 11am, the library will be open continuously through the 5pm closing on Friday, May 12. A few things to remember:

* You will need to show ID after 2am to gain entrance to the library.

* Library services stop at 2am, so check out books before then.

* Books will be cleared from tables and floors at 8:30am by library staff, so if you want them, keep an eye on them.

* Do not leave your things unattended. Every year, someone loses a laptop. Don't let that person be you!

* Please be respectful to Mike and his staff and clean up after yourselves. There will be large garbage cans placed throughout the library. Please use them!

* Remember--you still have dorm rooms where the rest of your life unfolds. If you move into the library, expect to be roused by the staff.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Government documents have moved!

Gone looking for a government document and found the govdocs room a jumble of shelves with nary a document in sight? You're right--the paper collection has been moved. Look for documents in the moving shelves on the lower level of the library. SUDOC numbers have been affixed to the shelves to help you navigate the new collections area. If you can't find what you're looking for, be sure to ask library staff for assistance.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Have you filled out the library survey yet?

Time is running out! The library survey will be available only through Friday, so please be sure to make your voice heard. So far, lots of you make JSTOR and Lexis-Nexis your favorite databases, and plenty of you want longer hours. Have you let us know what you think? Fill out the library survey here!

Monday, April 17, 2006

RefWorks orientation tomorrow at 11

You’re only a bibliography away from being done with conference work—yet still facing hours of tedious work. RefWorks to the rescue! Our online bibliographic software will help you automatically generate your bibliography in minutes instead of hours. Join your reference staff and Sharon Stillwagon in the library Pillow Room from 11:00am to 12:30pm on April 18 for a timely--and time-saving—introduction to RefWorks.

For information call Emily, Carl or Mac at x2225.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ripped From the Headlines

Visit the new section of the archives website devoted to historical clippings of interest from the student newspaper. The recent posting includes the following articles:

Anti-Anti-War Editorial, 1935

New College Ring: Sarah Lawrence Ring Has Unique Design, 1935

Check back for updates throughout the semester.

AnthroSource trial

We are hosting a free trial of AnthroSource, a new database from the American Anthropological Association. You can access the trial here. This database would give us full-text digital access to (eventually) all issues of all publications from AAA. It would expand access to journals we already own (POLaR, Medical Anthropology Quarterly) and add 18 new anthropology journals to our collection, including Museum Anthropology, Culture and Agriculture, City and Society, and Anthropology of Work Review, among others. Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment here, or emailing Emily at

Monday, April 10, 2006

ILL spring semester deadline.

The last day to submit requests for materials through interlibrary loan is Friday, April 21st.

Friday, April 07, 2006

New U.S. History Books

Check out our recent acquisitions in U.S. History. Remember that you can always make suggestions to the collection development committee here.

Whites, LeeAnn. Gender matters: Civil War, Reconstruction, and the making of the new South. New York: Palgrave, 2005.

Heller, Henry. The Cold War and the new imperialism. New York: NYU Press, 2006.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The library survey is here!

Please take a moment to fill out the library survey by clicking on the link below. We appreciate your input, so let us know what you think!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

New email alerts in Omnifile!

If you're a regular user of OmniFile or our other Wilson databases (Social Sciences Full Text, Humanities Full Text, General Science, etc.), check out their new SDI Alert System. From the Search History screen, you can have the database automatically conduct your search daily, weekly or monthly, and it will automatically email you with new articles as the database is updated. This is a great way to stay up to date on research in a topic of interest. If you need help setting up an alert in this or any other database, contact a reference librarian at x2225!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Archives Exhibits

Stop by and see the new exhibit in the Sarah Lawrence Archives exhibit case located on the lower level of the library next to the archives. The current exhibit is:

Batter Up! Early Athletics at SLC, 1928-1953

Also, visit the archives website to see the online exhibit:

National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month.
To celebrate, you can pick up a new poem each day during April. These pocketsize poems are located at the Poetry Corner display.

30 days, 30 great poems!

Visit the K-1 Museum

Be sure to check out the "K-1 Museum" now on display in the lower level of the library. This collection of projects is on loan from the ECC's K-1 class andthe projects reflect each child's research interests. They are varied and so cool! They will be on display until April 14th.