Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Citation Station!

Need last minute help preparing your bibliographies and citations? Come to the Pub next week and reference librarians Emily and Maria will be there to help you get your citations in working order!

WHAT: Citation Station

WHEN: 12:00-1:30 PM on Monday, Dec. 4, Wednesday, Dec. 6, and Friday, Dec. 8

WHERE: Inside the Pub

Monday, November 27, 2006

It's not too late to request a research consultation!

November 27 is the last day to recall library items or submit an ILL request. This does not mean, however, that it's too late to request a research consultation! The reference librarians are here to assist you with your research. We can help you determine what resources are available in our library, and we can also show you how to use them efficiently and effectively. You can request a research consultation by filling out this form and submitting it. A librarian will get in touch with you to set up an appointment.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Holiday break library hours

The library will close today, November 21, at 5pm. The hours for Thanksgiving week are:

Wednesday, November 22: 8:30am - 1pm
Thursday, Friday, November 23-24: CLOSED
Saturday, November 25: 1pm - 5pm

24/7 hours begin Sunday November 26 at 1pm and continue until Friday, December 15 at 5pm.

Enjoy your holiday!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Katrina resources online

Here are links to some online government documents about Hurricane Katrina we thought might be of interest in light of this weekend's symposium:

The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned
This full-text document outlines the failures of the federal response from the perspective of the executive branch.

A Failure of Initiative
This full-text document contains the final report from the Select Bipartisan Committee assembled to analyze the federal response. Appendix 8, Cynthia McKinney's supplementary report, contains useful background on poverty and racism in New Orleans prior to the hurricane.

Resources from across the government, via FirstGov.gov
This search provides links to documents across the government. Use the tabs on the left to sort by topic, agency, or source.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

New database: American National Biography

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new database to our library's collection of resources. American National Biography offers biographical information for more than 17,400 American men and women. Only deceased persons are included in American National Biography. You can access American National Biography by clicking on "Biography, American National" on the library's Databases A-Z page.

If you need to research someone of British descent, you can use another one of our resources: Oxford Dictionary of National Bibliography. Click on "Biography, Oxford Dictionary of National" on the library's Databases A-Z page.

So, why should you use these databases, you might ask? Well, both of these databases are excellent alternatives to Wikipedia if you need authoritative, reliable information about a historical figure from America or Britain. Furthermore, not only do you get a detailed biography for a person, but each entry also provides a bibliography for further research. There are also hyperlinked cross references for other relevant persons mentioned in each biography.

If you need help finding biographical information about persons who are neither American nor British, or if you need help in general with any kind of research, please contact us at 2225 or request a research consultation.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Get your recalls and ILL requests in now.

The last day of the fall semester to request materials via recall or interlibrary loan is November 27th. No recall or ILL requests will be accepted after that date until the start of the Spring semester.

Questions? Call us at x2225.

How do I access the databases from off campus?

SLC community members can access our electronic resources from off campus using your email usernames and passwords. You can access a step-by-step guide here. The guts of the process are listed below:

To access databases from off-campus you need to click on the icon that is located to the left of the database name on our A-to-Z list. This is the little box you see next to the database name.

Clicking on the icon will bring up a page where you will need to enter your SLC email username and password. You only have to enter your username and password once each session, even if you want to search multiple databases.

Having trouble? Call us at x2225 or email Carl at creglar@slc.edu and tell us the specifics of your problem. Are you unable to access a particular database? What kind of error message are you getting? We will work to solve your problem as soon as possible. Make sense?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Library services: how can we help you?

The library offers a number of services to Sarah Lawrence students. Some of these services include interlibrary loan, research consultations, and email service for reference questions.

What other services would you like to see the library offer? Would you be interested in an instant messenger/chat service for reference questions? What are we not doing for you that you would like for us to do?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy Family weekend!

We hope you'll all bring your families to check our our collections and services in the Esther Raushenbush Library. Parents will also have the chance to purchase books for the library at the Siegel Center on Saturday between 9am and noon. Welcome, families!