Friday, May 11, 2007

Have a great summer!

Here are library hours for the closing weeks:

Friday, May 11: Library closes at 5pm

Sat, Sun May 12, 13: 1pm - 5pm

Mon-Thurs, May 14-17: 9am - 6pm

Friday, May 18: 9am - 2pm (Library closes during Commencement)

Sat, Sun May 19, 20: CLOSED


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Take a book, leave a book!

It's the end of the year and you can finally read what you want. Stop by the library's take-a-book-leave-a-book shelf in the periodicals room. We've got lots of sci-fi and mystery genre fiction to help you come down from your Hegel. And feel free to leave something good of your own for someone else!


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Citation Station, May 4

Need a hand wrangling your bibliography into consistent, correct citation style? Drop by Citation Station on May 4 from 2-3pm in the Heimbold lab, room 209A. Maria will be on hand to answer citation stumpers, solve RefWorks dilemmas, and help you avoid plagiarism traps. Questions? Email us at or call us at x2225.

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