Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Live Search Academic

Have you been using and enjoying Google Scholar, Google's search engine for scholarly information online? If so, check out Microsoft's entry into the field, Live Search Academic. Like Google Scholar, you're searching scholarly information on the web, but the results are presented quite differently. Live Search Academic includes abstracts of papers when available, sorts results by document type, and features a split-screen allowing users to scroll through a persistent list of results while simultaneously viewing information specific to the document.

What do you think?


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Librarians in print!

Emily in reference (that's me!) has an article in the latest issue of Radical Teacher. Want to read it? Use your library skills to track down the full text from this citation:

Drabinski, Emily. "Librarians and the Patriot Act." Radical Teacher 77 (2006): 12-14.

Still can't find it? Ask us for help finding journal articles at x2225, by sending us an email at, or by filling out a research consultation request form!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


If you've sat down with me to look for government information, you know about, the first and often last stop for government information on the Web. By popular demand (literally! they conducted a poll!), the Feds have changed the URL of this much-beloved website to For now, your old link to will take you straight to the new portal, but I suggest you update your bookmarks.

Not familiar with Make an appointment to see a reference librarian, and we'll show you the ins and outs of navigating the treacherous waters of government information online.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Where's the Mac Lab?

We've removed the computers in the upper-level library Mac Lab to make room for more seating and shelving. Never fear, Mac users, you have not been left behind! Check out the new iMacs installed along the back wall in computer lab area on the main floor of the library.

Confused or have questions about computing facilities on campus? Check out the resources of the Academic Computing Department.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Welcome back!

Hello and welcome back to campus! We hope that you had a fun and restful break, and we look forward to an exciting and productive semester. Please remember that we are here for you if you need help in the library. If you have difficulty finding the information you need, or if you don't know where or how to start your research journey, please come talk to us! You can call Emily, Carl, or Maria in the Reference Office at x2225, or stop by our office behind the circulation desk, or request a research consultation. Have a great semester!