Tuesday, September 12, 2006

RefWorks Workshops Work Wonders!

Do you need a quick and easy way of saving and organizing your database search results? Do you need to create a bibliography for your paper but can't recall how to do perfect MLA, APA, or Chicago style? Then you need RefWorks, which can do all of the above and more!

RefWorks is bibliographic management software that helps you collect, store, manage, and share your research citations. We think it is a really helpful research tool, and we want to help you make the most of it. Beginning Monday, September 18, the reference group (Emily, Carl, and I) will be holding weekly workshop sessions on how to use RefWorks. We will meet every Monday from 2 to 3 PM in the E2 classroom in the lower level of the library. If you want some assistance learning how to use RefWorks, please stop by and see us!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it downloadable?

Does it cost money?


12:53 AM  
Blogger Emily Drabinski said...

You can access RefWorks from the library home page. Look down the left hand side and you'll see a 'quick link' to RefWorks. Clicking that will bring you to the database, and you can get to work.

It isn't downloadable--it's a web-based platform. And it does cost money, but the library pays for it! You'll need to register for a personal account using your SLC email address. If you want to use RefWorks off campus, you'll need to use our Group Code. We can tell you all about it at an upcoming info session. Or you can stop by our office, call us at x2225, or make a consultation appointment via our online form, and we'll be happy to walk you through it.

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is sooooooo COOL!

11:49 AM  
Blogger Maria the Librarian said...

Thanks! We think it is pretty cool too!

2:02 PM  

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