Sex, Death, Abstraction
Join Bella Brodzki and Judith Rodenbeck this Saturday, February 9th at 2pm in the Library Exhibit Space for the opening of "Sex, Death, Abstraction," a show of prints and paintings by poet Anne-Marie Levine. Anne-Marie Levine's most recent work, a series of abstract digital prints, depicts the effects of touch, volume, and mass in pixelated pattern, producing visual illusions of and allusions to precisely the tactility we increasingly find missing in this hyper-digitized age. A poet and pianist, Anne-Marie Levine is also more recently a visual artist who by preference works on an intimate scale. The work shown in "Sex, Death, Abstraction" cites a range of abstractions from Rothko's Abstract Expressionist stacks, on the one hand, to Man Ray's curious Surrealist landscape paintings, on the other, but she does so using a poetics of touch-already-gone-missing: the computer.
The show will run from February 2 through March 3.
The show will run from February 2 through March 3.
Labels: exhibits, library events
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